Finding the Right Plan to Meet Your Child's Needs
Our services help children with mild to significant developmental delays, clumsiness/incoordination, weakness/fatigue, neurological or orthopedic issues, and learning differences.
Mobile In-Home outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapy services -in the comfort of home.
Services include those covered by insurance and out-of-pocket payment. Services are provided at your home to best meet your child's needs in their familiar environment and accommodate your family's needs.
Individual treatment sessions in the home and community
- Telehealth available (HIPAA compliant)
Developmental assessments
Comprehensive Occupational Therapy evaluations
​​ Supplemental services available- fee for service: ​
Pre-school Screenings
School/Preschool Observations
Specialized Documentation
IEP (Individualized Education Plans) review, revision of goals, review OT evaluation results and recommendations, request services
Inservice education on pediatric neurodevelopmental treatment for clinics and clinicians
Treatment areas:
Improving upper extremity function (hand function, dexterity, reach, arm use, bilateral hand use, improve strength)
Developmental play skills
Perceptual motor skills
Postural control and balance to improve play, interaction, and self-care
Developmentally and age-appropriate self-care skills (play, dressing, feeding, participation in chores)
Handwriting (related visual perceptual, visual motor, and strength/dexterity skills)
Splinting to optimize function and improve range of motion
Physical agent treatment (use of electrical stimulation, heat, icing) to improve arm use.
Manual therapies (myofascial release, joint mobilization)